Warm-Cool at Flicker Nest                                                                                     2025_03

                  In 2023, Juanita Bay Park had four or more pretty-well-known flicker nests, none ideal for photography. Most were too high up in cottonwood, poplar or big-leaf maple snags. One at a lower height had poor sight lines and messy surroundings. All were mostly ignored by bird photographers. I photographed a high up one, […]

Getting the Shot: Punchbowl Falls                             2025_02

A new perspective after crossing Eagle Creek below Punchbowl. Ansel Adams once said, “A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” A couple images illustrate. Note: The images here were all shot prior to the devastating 2017 Eagle Creek wildfire that burned many of the trees; the fire was followed by a consequential landslide that […]

Expectations: A Tale of Two Images                             2025_01

On consecutive December days I paddled the Sammamish Slough. Heavy rain dominated the first day; clear skies and a gorgeous, low-angle sun the second. I get excited in both. In a downpour, mostly alone on the water, safe and warm in a dry suit, photography expectations are low but possibilities exist. Contrast the sunny dayꟷno […]

2024 Favorite Images

“Nature is a place where birds fly around uncooked.” Oscar Wilde Right shoulder issues kept me out of the kayak in early 2024, with little photography. In March, I was pleased to get out by bicycle, and sometimes by kayak, often scouting for birds and bird nests. Significantly, I’m incorporating Joan Strassman’s “Slow Birding” ideas […]

Wide-Angle Lens for Hummers                                                         2024_12

Head on shot: male Anna’s Hummingbird, Sony 15mm f1.4 @ f2.0, 1/800s, ISO 400, camera controlled by Sony Creator’s App. For years, I have captured backyard flight shots of our year-round resident Anna’s Hummingbirds. My strategy was always to remove our three-hole perching feeder, and replace it with a single-hole vertical tube that forced the […]

Watch That Horizon (For the Birds)                             2024_04

Every list of bird photography tips invariably tells us to “shoot at the bird’s eye level”. A tip that’s often ignored, though not by prize-winning photographers. Of recent top 100 winners in the Audubon photo contest, 70% were clearly eye-level; most of the rest very close to it. But all rules have exceptions. The eyes […]

Sony A6700 Set-up for Bird Photography              2024_03

Sony A6700, 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 @ f5.6, ISO 1250, 1/250s Wildlife photography is forever changed with the advent of fast, accurate, eye-detect-focus mirrorless camera sensors. With bird-eye tracking enabled, the camera (usually) detects the eye, and follows the eye even if the eye exits the focus area. This is huge. It makes composition and sharp-in-the-eye image […]

Waterproof Camera Bag: Sagebrush Dry              2024_01

Sagebrush Dry Cam-Dry (blue), Sure-dry Hip Pack (green), and big custom bag. Note: This is an update of a 2011 post. Gary Luhm has used Sagebrush Dry gear since 2001. Probably my most frequently asked question is “How do you keep your camera dry while kayaking”. In the 90’s I had no pat answer for […]

2023 Favorite Images

The year 2023 had some interesting twist and turns and a surprise as well. I started a bird-photography year gung-ho with my Sony A7 IV and 100-400mm GM zoom, same as 2022. By August, though, soon after I purchased the APS-C Sony A6700, I realized the new camera would be my go-to. I sold the […]

Home-made Slide Film Scanner              2023_11

Ursa Major charter yacht in Lituya Bay, Glacier Bay National Park, June, 2002, scan from Fujichrome Velvia. Following suggestions by Mark Galer, I built a film scanner using wood, cardboard, a 2” drill bit, a light table and a mirrorless camera. My intention was two-fold: scan curated color slides, and re-scan selects to compare with […]