I was tempted to call this tip “Small is Beautiful”.I started pruning backpacking poundage after a 1995 trip to Washington State’s Enchantments, when my pack for five days in mid-September tallied 55 lbs. There’s no reason to re-hash the old gear, but the same trip today would weigh in at about 35 lbs, with better […]
Photo Tip: Backpacker Panorama Hardware __ 09/2009
A year ago I built a light-weight panorama tool out of wood. My hope was to make back-country panoramas. My dream was to rival the pixel count of high-end, medium-format digital backs, or scanned 4×5 film cameras without the weight, bulk or cost. Here in Washington State, I imagined Prusik Peak in the Enchantments, or […]
Photo Tip: People in Nature ___ 11/2007
A missing element to make many a great scenic saleable can be pretty obvious. It’s an element that’s also ignored, overlooked, forgotten and even belittled by us nature photographers. Yet it’s an element we find endlessly fascinating, an element that grabs the attention in every scene. That element, of course, is people, and there’s no […]
Utah Canyonlands
A 4-wheel tour of Canyonlands National Park’s remote Needles District, and a rain-drenched raft trip of Catatract Canyon — with Tag-A-Long Expeditions. October, 2006. Moab, Utah. On a two-night trip sponsored by the Utah Office of Tourism and the Moab Area Travel Council, surprises came early. The first morning we traveled by 4-wheel with Dave Pitzer of Tag-A-Long Expeditions to the […]
Doing the Splits: Digital vs Glass Graduated (Split) ND Filters _ 08/2006
After hiking to Spray Park at Mt. Rainier NP (August, 2006), I shot a few frames to compare a graduated (split) neutral-density filter with achieving similar results in Photoshop. If you’re not familiar with split filters, they have darkened glass on half of their surface, to hold back the light, with clear glass on the […]
Indian Henry’s Hunting Ground, Mt. Rainier National Park
Wildflowers and mirror ponds at Indian Henry’s Hunting Ground. Indian Henry’s Hunting Ground is a huge bench with mirror ponds and an expansive sub-alpine meadow. Several ponds reflect the Mountain, including the pond made famous by the Ashel Curtis photograph. Find carpets of avalanche lily in July; densely-packed lupine in August. Most of the pictures […]